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مقال تجريبي

إن مما لاشك فيه أن رحلة البحث عن مكتب المحاماة الأمثل تعد من المعضلات التي يعانيها المتقاضين و طالبي الاستشارات القانونية المثلى التي تعينهم على اتخاذ قراراتهم بشكل سليم.

لاسيما في ظل وجود عدد كبير من مكاتب المحاماة المنتشرة في أنحاء البلاد، و لما تتسم فيه هذه المسألة من حساسية بالغة لأصحابها، و عليه تبدأ عملية المفاضلة و المقارنة فيما بينها من حيث الخبرة و الكفاءة العملية وسابقة الأعمال و القدرة على التكييف القانوني السليم الذي يعين على اتخاذ القرار الأمثل.

و إدراكاً لجميع جوانب تلك المعضلة من قبل الأعضاء المؤسسين للمجموعة و في مرحلة مبكرة، آثارنا على أنفسنا بأن يتم تقديم خدماتنا القانونية بأعلى مستوى من الجودة و وفقاً لأفضل الممارسات الدولية.

و بالشكل الذي يليق بالاسم الذي اختاره المؤسسون للمجموعة، و برسالة و قيم مستوحاة منه.

و إيماناً من المؤسسين بأن العمل المتقن و المتجدد في تقديم الخدمات هو العنصر الرئيسي لنيل ثقة العملاء و نجاح أي كيان قانوني، في ظل عالم متغير في تحدياته و متطلباته.

Mostafa Atef Muhamed Ali

  • Job title: Executive Secretary
  • He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Commerce (major accounting) – Zagazig University – 2010.

Emad Mohamed Mohamed Mousa

  • Job title: legal advisor
  • He holds a BA in Sharia and Law from Al-Azhar University – 2015.

Hesham Muhamed Abdelfatah Ginedy

  • Job title: legal consultant
  • He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Alexandria University – 2008.

Ahmed Mahmoud Abdel Hafeez

Job title: Financial and Administrative Manager

  • Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Commerce (Accounting major) – Alexandria University – 2010
  • Holds a specialist diploma in human resources from the University of Missouri – USA – 2017


  • Human Development Skills Course – Emirates Smart Government – United Arab Emirates – 2020.
  • Human development skills development course. 2018
  • Professional Financial Accountant Diploma 2010
  • Microsoft Excel Course (Accounting) 2010
  • Quick Books Course (Accounting Program) 2010
  • ICDL 2009

Mustafa Mahmoud Ali Mohamed

Job title: legal researcher

  • Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sharia and Law
  • From Al-Azhar University – 2014

Mahmoud Mohsen El Shaarawy

Job title: legal advisor

  • Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Mansoura University – 2004

Muhammad Ali Jamal Ali

Job title: legal researcher

  • Holds a BA in Sharia and Law from Al-Azhar University – 2014.
  • Training Courses:
  • Human Development Course – 2013
  • ICDL 2013 course.
  • International Arbitration Course: 2013.

Basem Mahmoud Helmy

Job title: legal researcher

  • Holds a BA in Law – Cairo University – 2010

Ahmed Mubarak Al-Aibani

  • Member of the Kuwait Bar Association since 2016.
  • Admitted lawyer before the Court of Appeal.
  • Graduated from the Faculty of Law – Kuwait University in 2015

Aisha Fahd Al-Saad

  • Member of the Kuwait Bar Association.
  • Admitted lawyer before the Court of First Instance.
  • Graduated from Kuwait International Law School 2017.


Practical experiences:

  • Reviewing and drafting commercial contracts.
  • Legal translation in Arabic and English.
  • Banking operations.

Fahad Al-Buraikan


Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law since 2009 from Philadelphia University in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.


  • Founding partner at Al-Itqan Legal Group.
  • Member of the Kuwait Bar Association since 2009.
  • A lawyer admitted to the Constitutional Court and the Cassation Court.
  • Area of ​​expertise: commercial law and corporate law and issues: contracting contracts – bankruptcy law – tenders law – laws and decisions related to small and medium enterprises – consumer protection law – commercial agencies law and trademark law.
  • Former member of the Kuwait Society for Human Rights for the years 2013/2014.
  • Member of the Board of Directors of Al-Naeem Cooperative Society for the 2018/2019 session.
  • He lectured in many legal conferences and workshops.
  • Interested in spreading legal awareness through social media platforms, especially regarding commercial laws, bankruptcy law, tenders’ law, laws and decisions related to owners of small and medium enterprises, consumer protection law, commercial agencies law and trademark law.
  • He participated in writing a number of legal reports, including:
  • A legal study on the impact of the Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic on work and lease contracts in the State of Kuwait.
  • A legal study on the extent to which individuals and institutions are entitled to compensation for the effects of the Corona crisis (Covid-19).

Sultan Alqahtani


Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Faculty of Law – Kuwait University since 2011.


  • Founding partner at Al-Itqan Legal Group.
  • Member of the Kuwait Bar Association since 2011.
  • A lawyer admitted to the Constitutional Court and Cassation, specializing in commercial law and corporate law and all that revolves around them such as: corporate restructuring – bankruptcy – labor law – rent law – civil law – arbitration.
  • He worked as a trained lawyer in the largest law firm in the State of Kuwait, from graduation until the opening of his own office.
  • He holds many international and local courses and certificates in law.
  • He was awarded the Arab Moot Court Competition, which was organized by the “Arab Lawyers Union” in Tunisia in 2017, as the best litigator in the Arab world.
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Kuwait Bar Association for the 2016 session until 2017.
  • Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Center at the Kuwait Bar Association for the session 2017 to 2019.
  • Participated in the drafting of several statutes for non- for-profit organizations, including the drafting of the statute and the new procedural regulations for the Arbitration Center at the Kuwait Bar Association.
    Participated in writing many legal studies related to small and medium enterprises and labor and rental laws.
  • Participated in several training workshops for new lawyers organized by the Kuwait Bar Association
  • An arbitrator admitted to the list of accredited arbitrators at the Arbitration Center of the Kuwait Bar Association.
  • An admitted arbitrator at The National Sports Arbitration Tribunal (NSAT) in the State of Kuwait .
  • He tackled many issues of public interest in all fields of law, which resulted in important rulings being passed in favor of his clients.